Dairyland Power Cooperative Selects OATI for DRMS Solutions

OATI is pleased to announce Dairyland Power Cooperative, a generation and transmission Cooperative serving 24 member distribution cooperatives, has chosen the OATI webSmartEnergy DRMS solution for demand management program administration, operational controls, and program analytics. Deployed in OATI’s cloud environment with a multi-tenant architecture, Dairyland Power and its members will be able to utilize this system of record to forecast, schedule and execute a multitude of demand response (DR) and distributed energy resource (DER) programs, and provide measurement, verification and settlement calculations to both internal and external stakeholders. With over 50 integrations included in scope, including the MISO market, asset-specific head ends and member cooperative enterprise systems, the platform will deliver the full breadth of demand management.
Included in the solution are advanced capabilities such as forecasting economic margin events, event participation triggers using real-time locational marginal prices (LMPs), and an advanced customer portal that shows calculated values for likelihood-of-dispatch, near-real-time consumption during events, price exposure, and associated costs information. Optimal dispatch techniques are provided for demand-side capabilities including DR programs, DERs, conservation voltage reduction capabilities, and other commercial dispatchable loads and demand-side resources.
“We are proud to continue our relationship with Dairyland Power as we enable them to meet their Smart Grid needs,” said Dr. Sasan Mokhtari, President and CEO of OATI. “This configurable solution realizes a vision to use available DR and DERs to provide economic and reliability benefits to Dairyland and its members.”
“OATI will be a value-added technology partner on this project, enabling Dairyland and our member cooperatives to advance our strong tradition of load management and pursue new DER capabilities through new resource integrations and enhanced market opportunities,” said Ben Porath, Chief Operating Officer of Dairyland Power.

About Dairyland Power Cooperative
Dairyland Power Cooperative, a Touchstone Energy Cooperative, was formed in December 1941. Headquartered in La Crosse, Wis., Dairyland is a generation and transmission (G&T) cooperative providing the wholesale electrical requirements for 24 distribution cooperatives and 17 municipal utilities. These cooperatives and municipals, in turn, supply the energy needs of more than a half-million people in a four-state area. For more information, visit www.dairylandpower.com.
About OATI
OATI provides innovative solutions that simplify, streamline, and empower the operational tasks required in today’s energy commerce and Smart Grid. Serving more than 2,500 customers in North America, OATI successfully deploys and hosts diverse mission-critical solutions committed to industry standards and stringent security guidelines.
OATI (www.oati.com) is a leading provider of Smart Grid, Energy Trading and Risk Management, Transmission Scheduling, Congestion Management, Distribution, and Market Management products and services. OATI is headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota, with offices in California, Punjab, and Telangana. For more information, please contact sales@oati.net.

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