OATI provides information on its website to assist visitors in identifying its products, services, and resources. Visitors may contact OATI through links provided on the website, as well as register for various meetings, conferences, and classes. Current OATI customers may also enter protected areas of the website to access Focus Group activities. OATI may use any information visitors provide on the website.

Privacy Policy: It is the policy of OATI to respect any information collected from visitors to the website. OATI may collect information that web browsers and servers typically make available such as browser type, language preference, referring site, and the date and time of each visitor request. This information is used to provide OATI a better understanding of how the website is being used. OATI may collect statistics on visitor behavior and may use such information internally. OATI may use cookies to help identify and track visitors’ usage of the website and their website preferences. Visitors who do not wish to have cookies placed on their computers should set their browsers to refuse cookies before using the website. Refusing such cookies may affect how certain features of the website function.
OATI also collects potentially personally-identifying information like Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. OATI does not use such information to identify visitors and does not disclose such information except as described below.

Personal Information: Some visitors choose to interact with the website in ways that requires them to provide personally-identifying information. The amount and type of information that OATI gathers depends on the nature of the interaction. For example, visitors may provide personally-identifying information under the “Contact Us,” “Request a Demo,” and/or “Registration” pages. The type of information requested by OATI reflects the nature and type of request made by the visitor. OATI uses the information provided only to process the request made and to provide a follow-up to the request. OATI does not rent or sell any personally-identifying information to anyone. OATI does not store any credit card information on its servers. OATI does not disclose personally-identifying information gathered from the website except when required to do so by law. OATI monitors use of the website.

OATI reserves the right to terminate and/or deny website access which is associated with suspicious activity.

OATI implements security features to protect the website. However, OATI wants visitors to remember that communication across the Internet is potentially accessible to the public and can be used by third parties without the public’s knowledge or consent. OATI is not responsible or liable for the security of the Internet or third-party websites.

Privacy Policy Changes: OATI reserves the right to change the website and this Privacy Policy from time to time and at its sole discretion. A visitor’s use of the website after any change in this Privacy Policy provides acceptance of such changes.

Get in Touch

Thank you for registering.

Please notify us in advance if you are not able to attend this training session so that we can accommodate those who are wait-listed.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: If you registered and did not attend 3 sessions, you will not be allowed to register for future training sessions. We understand that things can happen unexpectedly, in case you need to un-register for the training please notify Training@oati.net at least 2 days before the training.