Smart Cities Energy Transportation Buildings Health Safety

Transformational, Extensible, and Purposeful IoT Technology

Our Smart City technologies empower innovation in many city sectors for increased safety, reliability, sustainability, and quality of life. We ensure that our customers’ day-to-day business operations run efficiently over a long-range, wide-area network that leverages LoRaWAN®.
An icon of a collection node

Smart sensors and devices gather and disseminate real-time data to a head end via a network.

An icon representing data analysis

Smart technology examines and correlates data to gain insights into behaviors, operations, and services.

An icon of a screen with data on it

Results from data analysis are displayed and communicated to decision makers via dashboards, web pages, or mobile applications.

An icon of a city

Prompt action is taken to improve operations, city services, and city life.

Service Areas

Navigating the Energy Transition toward a sustainable, self-sufficient, and resilient energy supply, for site-specific areas or city wide endeavors, through the inclusion of renewable energy resources, microgrids, load management strategies, and a collaborative relationship with the local energy grid provider.

  • Harden critical assets against disaster with resilient local energy
  • Achieve sustainability and decarbonization goals with the inclusion of renewable energy
  • Promote EV-fleets and leverage Vehicle-to-Grid or Vehicle-to-Building charging for greater energy resiliency

Improving mobility services to promote efficient use of parking facilities and related transportation services, and encourage the adoption of Electric Vehicles (EV) to promote decarbonization.

  • Increase ease of locating available parking spaces
  • Achieve sustainability goals with reduced CO2 emissions, noise, and other pollutants
  • Increase revenue potential for parking facility owners
  • Provide accessible EV charging infrastructure to reduce resident and visitor range anxiety

Harnessing the power of data to shape and improve a building’s ecosystem and security.

  • Improve the security of a premise by detecting intruders and protecting buildings from extreme heat/cold damage
  • Improve service levels by monitoring human presence at service locations to alert public-facing city staff
  • Improve situational awareness by managing congestion levels of city facilities such as service areas, auditoriums, as well as educational and athletic facilities
  • Proactively know when there are problems with indoor air quality

Achieving more efficient, reliable and secure water services that enhance the ability to be good stewards of a scarce resource.

  • Reduce labor and costly truck rolls for meter reading activity
  • Enable customers to track their usage on an hourly, daily or monthly basis
  • Proactively know when there are problems: excessive flow, inactive account flow, leak detection, no flow and backflow
  • Improve favorite and large account management
  • Provide for resilient energy supply via microgrids to power critical city services

Protecting and improving the health of people in their communities to promote healthy lifestyles and reduce illness potential.

  • Proactive versus routine green space irrigation with real-time soil monitoring reduces wasted water and energy
  • Proactively know and alert the public when there are problems with outdoor air and water quality, etc.
  • Avoid unhealthy trash bin overflows by monitoring trash bin levels and proactively dispatching crews
  • Promote cleaner air with fewer truck rolls and reduced routine trash pickups for bins not needing service

Enhancing the ability to protect the general public with technologies that provide greater situational awareness and control over key assets to increase emergency responsiveness and enhance public safety measures.

  • Monitor vacant buildings for crime and fire prevention
  • Enable street lights for public comfort and safety purposes, not just energy efficiency
  • Proactively know when there are problems with rising water levels, malfunctioning fire hydrants, growing crowd levels, gunshot detection, etc.

OATI is the Most Trusted Name in Energy

Just as the energy industry relies on OATI, so can city leaders who are on the transformational journey toward a Smart City.

OATI Smart City technologies empower innovation for increased safety, security, sustainability, and quality of life.

OATI can help your community achieve its quality of life and sustainability goals. Connect with us to learn more about OATI Smart City technologies.

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