Balancing Area

Comprehensive Reliability Scheduling

The most utilized interchange scheduling solution supporting all bi-lateral and organized markets.

Robust Outage Coordination

Extensive Outage Management Solution coordinates transmission, distribution, and generation outages  

  • Driven by your business processes to ensure compliance
  • Manage power plant outages and outage schedules from different entity types
  • Outage restoration and coordination
  • Outages for protection equipment, wind farms, applications, communication systems, utility outages and more
  • Integration with ISOs, RTOs, and market participants
  • Uses industry standards 

Fully Connected Energy Accounting

Click below to learn more about OATI’s Energy Accounting and Reporting software:
Input Data

Industry Standard EIDE, EMS, SCADA or legacy interfaces for sending metering data.

Output Factor

Industry Standard EIDE web service interface for sending data and utilizes several G/L output formats (e.g. SAP).

Time Factor

Accepts various time series lengths, along with the calculation engine can aggregate/disaggregate longer or shorter time periods.


Define groups such as Generation-Thermal, Generation-Variable, and when data is loaded, reports/displays by Type, or Location, etc. can be created.


High-performance calculation engine to manage Transmission, Market, and Services Tariffs.

Input Data

Industry Standard EIDE web service interface for sending metering data.

Output Data

Industry Standard EIDE web service interface for sending data and utilizes several G/L output formats (e.g. SAP).

Time Factor

Accepts various time series lengths, along with the calculation engine can aggregate/disaggregate longer or shorter time periods.


Define groups such as Generation-Thermal, Generation-Variable, and when data is loaded, reports/displays by Type, or Location, etc. can be created.

Regional and Local Congestion Management

Large scale grid modeling and local congestion management solutions

  • Decomposition of line flows associated with physical schedules, market dispatch and loop flow
  • Calculation of congestion relief requirements
  • Reliability Coordinator solution
  • Local congestion management of line overloads and future schedule constraints
  • OATT and NAESB Business practice automation and compliance
  • Curtailment of transactions in real time based on local procedures
  • Integrated with transmission and balancing area scheduling solution

Integrated Logging

Streamline Event Log Management and Workflow with Easy to use logging for all entities and/or Users in a company or group

  • Integrates with existing OATI systems to streamline log management and improve operational flow
  • Fast addition of logging attributes to ensure the proper information is captured.
  • Manage and visualize log event workflows and progress
  • Create custom logs that are separated via controlled access.
  • Flexible event creation via triggers, manual entry or APIs
  • Efficient log information sharing across your organization


webLineR Datasheet

webSmartOMS Datasheet

Use Case

webAccounting Datasheet

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