Transmission Owner/Provider

Ambient Air Rating Compliance

Industry Leading FERC Order 881 Ambient Adjusted Ratings compliance solution

Robust Outage Coordination

Extensive Outage Management Solution for coordination of transmission, distribution, and generation outages

  • Driven by your business processes to ensure compliance
  • Manage power plant outages and outage schedules from different entity types
  • Outage restoration and coordination
  • Outages for protection equipment, wind farms, applications, communication systems, utility outages and more
  • Integration with ISOs, RTOs, and market participants
  • Uses industry standards

Comprehensive Reliability Scheduling

The most utilized interchange scheduling solution supporting all bi-lateral and organized markets.

  • Automatic generation of schedules
  • Validation of each element of the schedule
  • Dynamic creation of nets
  • Configurable to meet scheduling requirements at any level
  • Flexible schedule creation
  • Multiple checkout features for TPs
  • Custom summaries and reports, alarms, much more 

Fully Connected Energy Accounting

Flexible Energy Accounting to automate and integrate your data from many sources

  • Customizable energy accounting interface and report builder
  • Data utilized from:
    • EIDE web service interfaces
    • EMS/SCADA system
    • Flat file interfaces
    • legacy accounting resources
  • High-performance calculation engine to manage Transmission, Market, and Services Tariffs.
  • Easy to use and customer driven 

Regional and Local Congestion Management

Large scale grid modeling and local congestion management solutions

  • Decomposition of line flows associated with physical schedules, market dispatch and loop flow
  • Calculation of congestion relief requirements
  • Reliability Coordinator solution
  • Local congestion management of line overloads and future schedule constraints
  • OATT and NAESB Business practice automation and compliance
  • Curtailment of transactions in real time based on local procedures
  • Integrated with transmission and balancing area scheduling solution 

Integrated Logging

Streamline Event Log Management and Workflow with Easy-to-Use logging for all entities and/or Users in a company or group

  • Integrates with existing OATI systems to streamline log management and improve operational flow
  • Fast addition of logging attributes to ensure the proper information is captured.
  • Manage and visualize log event workflows and progress
  • Create custom logs that are separated via controlled access.
  • Flexible event creation via triggers, manual entry or APIs
  • Efficient log information sharing across your organization 

Comprehensive Transmission Management

Market dominating and robust transmission reservation, validation, and evaluation solution to maintain compliance

  • Transmission Availability Calculation with OATT reservation queue management automation
  • FERC compliant OASIS for postings and customer interaction
  • Model and manage transmission across flowgates and contract paths via automation
  • Solve Conditional Curtailments.
  • Mitigate Preemption and Competition
  • Simplify Simultaneous Submission


webLineR Datasheet

webSmartOMS Datasheet

Use Case

El Paso webAccounting Case Study

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